Thursday, 2 May 2024

New Michelin stars in Andorra

Especially in the capital Andorra la Vella, you can find different cuisines from traditional Andorra cuisine to French and Catalan and even highly recommended pizzerias. As you can see Andorra already has a large selection of excellent restaurants, but a new project surpasses everything. In the basement of the ‘El Diamant’ building, Mertixell 31 avinguda, a three Michelin star restaurant opened recently. It is called ‘the Embassy’.

How to get a Micheling star

To earn a Michelin star, you must work very hard and become exceptionally good. Essential criteria for restaurants with Michelin stars are: first your quality of products has to be excellent. Second your knowledge and skills of flavour and cooking techniques count. As well as the value for money, the personality of the chef and the consistent behaviour between visits. The basis of your restaurant should not be the Michelin starts. These are rather the icing of the cake, while you should focus on improving the execution.

And what is happening in Andorra?

Everywhere in the world, more and more chefs are making a name for themselves. In the heart of Andorra three great international personalities are now also represented. One of the new chefs is Bernard Bach, who has earned two Michelin stars and has worked at ‘Le Puits Saint Jacques’ near Toulouse. Then we have Romain Fornell, he cooked for Cealis in Barcelona and has one Michelin star. In addition to that Òscar Manresa joins the team. He is known from Kauai, Casa Guinart and Casa Leopold, and he is the author of ‘MI Boqueria’ (ed. Planeta Gastro). At last, the hotelier José Gaspart will be in charge of the whole project. All dishes are exceptionally delicious and wonderfully prepared. The wine and desserts are also exquisite. Do not miss this culinary highlight.

The initiative is developed by the Andorran business Rosa Pons and its subsidiary companies. The system is based on seven generations of young people, owners and promoters who developed the building where the new gastronomic space and the group of three chefs will be cooking. Accompanied by the chefs and business owners, Rosa Pons presented the innovative gastronomic project in Andorra la Vella in July 2018.

Furthermore, the gastronomic project ‘The Embassy’ will have 2,600 square meters, with much space being dedicated to shopping and welfare. Additionally, a gourmet market opened its doors in the same building for new costumers.

If you want to feel the uniqueness of Andorra and at the same time enjoy excellent food, you should visit the new three Michelin star restaurant in the heart of its capital.